Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
hei, akkurat nå er jeg litt stolt av meg selv fordi mamma sa at det var super vanskelig å lage en blogg men det er det jo ikke! så mamma så at jeg kunne sjekke åssen man lager det men ikke oppgi noen e-post adresse eller noe. så jeg søkte: "hvordan lage en blogg gratis"
og jeg fikk veldig mange treff!
når mamma fikk vite att man bare måtte klikke på blyant knappen på og lage en. Så enkelt var det liksom!
Men det er ikke derfor jeg skriver blogg, for å dele historiene min og tankne mine+ hvordan jeg har det!
i dag har det vert sånn "fifty fifty" fordi jeg hadde matte, musikk og stasjoner matte har jeg med anne musikk med martine og stasjoner med tone som er kontakt læreren min. matte er mitt 3. beste fag så det var gøy men stasjoner og musikk ligger litt lengre nede på lista så det var litt kjedelig. Og jeg hadde med en vennine hjem og vi startet på en historie vi kalte double-ckick. den handler om lilijan som søker opp på internett for å finne ut hvor familien hennes stammer fra.Da får hun vite litt av vert. når den er ferdig kommer jeg til å dele den med dere her på bloggen min.
hei, akkurat nå er jeg litt stolt av meg selv fordi mamma sa at det var super vanskelig å lage en blogg men det er det jo ikke! så mamma så at jeg kunne sjekke åssen man lager det men ikke oppgi noen e-post adresse eller noe. så jeg søkte: "hvordan lage en blogg gratis"
og jeg fikk veldig mange treff!
når mamma fikk vite att man bare måtte klikke på blyant knappen på og lage en. Så enkelt var det liksom!
Men det er ikke derfor jeg skriver blogg, for å dele historiene min og tankne mine+ hvordan jeg har det!
i dag har det vert sånn "fifty fifty" fordi jeg hadde matte, musikk og stasjoner matte har jeg med anne musikk med martine og stasjoner med tone som er kontakt læreren min. matte er mitt 3. beste fag så det var gøy men stasjoner og musikk ligger litt lengre nede på lista så det var litt kjedelig. Og jeg hadde med en vennine hjem og vi startet på en historie vi kalte double-ckick. den handler om lilijan som søker opp på internett for å finne ut hvor familien hennes stammer fra.Da får hun vite litt av vert. når den er ferdig kommer jeg til å dele den med dere her på bloggen min.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
BI + AHO master collaboration Sept-Oct 2010
Icebreaking at BI Nydalen Campus, Oslo. (Photo: Birgit Jevnaker).
Day One in the new workshop-based collaboration between BI Norwegian School of Management and AHO, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design.
New Master collaboration. This is a collaboration on the master of science level, between two courses from two higher education schools and the respective students. The two courses are, at AHO, called Design Management (currently led by Rachel Troye), and at BI, Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity (led by me, Birgit Helene Jevnaker).
It is the two of us as teachers that have organized this particular collaboration - and we share responsibility for 3 joint sessions that are workshops. This new collaboration is following in the wake of some previous efforts such as BI's joint learning initiative called MOD, Management of Design, with KHiO (see other postings on this blog). We also build on previous course developments for BI innovation students as well as courses previously for the Industrial Design education in Oslo in design management/market-strategic design (I was involved in this course development and teaching for industrial design students for about a decade, on a part-time "hobby" basis). Another recent learning lesson for us was last year´s cocreation-oriented collaboration between two BI and AHO courses and the respective innovation and design students. It was developed by myself and Birgitta Cappelen, in collaboration with Simon Clatworthy. It was probed as a new experimental Management of Innovation/Service design collaboration between BI and AHO and first run in the autumn 2009 (see press coverage elsewhere, e.g., in Ukeavisen Ledelse).
SUPERTEAM. In this new BI + AHO master collaboration, 18 three-persons BI student groups shall be collaborating with 19 design and architecture students in 9 superteams through 3 workshops and in the last one, they shall present a joint proposal for a panel/jury of Dragons (cf. Dragons' Den).
ICEBREAKING. Today, the 21 Sept 2010 we had the first Icebreaking and kick-off meeting between the respective student groups. The first task was to prepare lunch for one's superteam. This was solved in many different ways - from pai and salad nicely served to another team with double portions of bread and juice but not any toppings... but all teams finally got something to eat and I think most appreciated it as a good way to start this BI + AHO collaboration!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Some press coverage about MOD 2009
We've worked for some press coverage and here are two:
You find the other source, the newspaper AftenAften, when clicking on the above link as well.
You find the other source, the newspaper AftenAften, when clicking on the above link as well.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
MoD 2009 - 18 ideas presented
GOOD PRESENTATIONS. Promising ideas and presentations by student groups on last Friday, 23 Jan, 2009. 18 mixed business and design student groups presented, each and all focusing on one core idea, as well as presenting their project organization, budget and plans around their idea. Thanks for your good work, so far!
Ideas vary from lighting up the riverside of Akerselva to creating access of water for all! Many projects were triggered by a blend of social, cultural, environmental and/or health concerns for a variety of people. Most projects related to target groups in Oslo region but visions for further expansions of concepts were also suggested. Design for all thinking was an explicit or implicit part of several projects. Art were proposed as part of many projects in ways so as to allow work for younger artists. All student groups had worked on improving the projects' viability in terms of a sound financial and business foundation, yet most had met some difficulties in obtaining access to for example the right entities and persons in Oslo municipality. Few were actually for-profit projects, but some did work on sorting out how much their idea might be worth.
BLOGGING. Some groups have presented their group and idea here on the blog, some have not. Could the ones who have not yet presented here, do a brief one, at least? I agree that it is better late than never.
(Also, I guess your idea may have some protection if it is published, cf. Åndsverksloven, but this is not my field, I must admit).
DIPLOMA CEREMONY. This year´s BI+KHIO joint learning program was formally finalized as always on the third MOD week´s Friday late afternoon, with a MOD diploma ceremony after a full day´s rich group presentations. Each student got a MOD diploma signed by the four course responsible (this year: Reidar Holtskog, Kristin Danielsen, Halldor Gislason and myself.) Even if the joint lecturing, seminars and supervisions now are over, we hope the contact and networking among the students continue after the intensive shared ideations, project work and learning efforts.
PROJECT REPORTS. BI students are however not finished yet, they are now continuing their group work writing their around 20 pages project reports. Deadline is 10 February as already announced.
MOD is not only about ideations, it is also about collaborating in mixed groups, and contributing to creative work in Oslo and maybe to students´future careers. So I would encourage you to think about how you worked your way (or not) through various challenges. All groups have no doubt experienced a variety of challenges and tensions. Rather than expecting only positive vibs, one may regard tensions as potentially productive and even a source for creativity and for learning. This can be difficult to sort out when in the midst of hard working. Now, after the most intensive period, you have a chance to reflect.
In this respect, I encourage you to also think about nuances in your experiences and discuss with others, e.g. in the groups: How did the group deal with emergent problems and various efforts towards ideas or solutions? Even breakdowns can become positive. It is possible to explore and reflect on these challenges as a chance to learn from this complex collaborating. Failures and temporary misunderstandings are more often than not a recurrent part of innovating.
Ideas vary from lighting up the riverside of Akerselva to creating access of water for all! Many projects were triggered by a blend of social, cultural, environmental and/or health concerns for a variety of people. Most projects related to target groups in Oslo region but visions for further expansions of concepts were also suggested. Design for all thinking was an explicit or implicit part of several projects. Art were proposed as part of many projects in ways so as to allow work for younger artists. All student groups had worked on improving the projects' viability in terms of a sound financial and business foundation, yet most had met some difficulties in obtaining access to for example the right entities and persons in Oslo municipality. Few were actually for-profit projects, but some did work on sorting out how much their idea might be worth.
BLOGGING. Some groups have presented their group and idea here on the blog, some have not. Could the ones who have not yet presented here, do a brief one, at least? I agree that it is better late than never.
(Also, I guess your idea may have some protection if it is published, cf. Åndsverksloven, but this is not my field, I must admit).
DIPLOMA CEREMONY. This year´s BI+KHIO joint learning program was formally finalized as always on the third MOD week´s Friday late afternoon, with a MOD diploma ceremony after a full day´s rich group presentations. Each student got a MOD diploma signed by the four course responsible (this year: Reidar Holtskog, Kristin Danielsen, Halldor Gislason and myself.) Even if the joint lecturing, seminars and supervisions now are over, we hope the contact and networking among the students continue after the intensive shared ideations, project work and learning efforts.
PROJECT REPORTS. BI students are however not finished yet, they are now continuing their group work writing their around 20 pages project reports. Deadline is 10 February as already announced.
MOD is not only about ideations, it is also about collaborating in mixed groups, and contributing to creative work in Oslo and maybe to students´future careers. So I would encourage you to think about how you worked your way (or not) through various challenges. All groups have no doubt experienced a variety of challenges and tensions. Rather than expecting only positive vibs, one may regard tensions as potentially productive and even a source for creativity and for learning. This can be difficult to sort out when in the midst of hard working. Now, after the most intensive period, you have a chance to reflect.
In this respect, I encourage you to also think about nuances in your experiences and discuss with others, e.g. in the groups: How did the group deal with emergent problems and various efforts towards ideas or solutions? Even breakdowns can become positive. It is possible to explore and reflect on these challenges as a chance to learn from this complex collaborating. Failures and temporary misunderstandings are more often than not a recurrent part of innovating.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hva skjer etter at Kunsthøgskolen flytter ut av sine flotte lokaler i Ullevålsveien 5?
Vi jobber med tilrettelegging for at skolen og verkstedene skal kunne brukes av folket.
Kraftverket blir et unikt kulturhus midt i byen, hvor det satses på interaksjon mellom tre arenaer: Sosialt, kreativt og forskning

Vi er gruppe 7. Vi vil opplyse folk. Både opplyse og lyse opp vil vi! Dette vil vi gjøre ved hjelp av paraplyen vår SQUARE. Den er både funksjonell og stilig. Slik vil vi skape trygghet og redde liv. Det synes vi er et flott mål!
Gruppe 7 består av:
Jeanette: Styreguri 1
Lene: Styreguri 2
Martin: Paraman
Isaac: Gossip boy
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